AngloGold Ashanti, CNC hold symposium on cultural and natural heritage?

AngloGold Ashanti Iduapriem Mine, in collaboration with the Centre for National Culture (CNC), Tarkwa, has organised a symposium to discuss ways of preserving and protecting their cultural and natural heritage for future generations. 

The programme, sponsored by the Mine, was on the theme: ‘Preserving and Protecting the Cultural and Natural Heritage Assets of the People, the Role of Mining Companies’.

Addressing youth groups and students at the event, Mr Samuel Boakye Pobee,

the Managing Director of AngloGold Ashanti Iduapriem Mine, in a speech read on his behalf, commended CNC and National Youth Authority for the initiative, stressing that the theme underscored the essence of their collective responsibility towards safeguarding those invaluable treasures. 

He said their cultural and natural heritage represented the very fabric of their identity and served as a testament to their rich history, traditions, and values. 

‘For Iduapriem Mine, we are committed to making a positive contribution towards an ensu
ring world, and therefore, we recognize the immense value of the cultural and natural heritage with our host communities,’ he said. 

He said: ‘We are cognizant that these assets are not only a source of pride and identity for the people, but also play a crucial role in fostering social cohesion, economic development, and environmental sustainability. We, therefore, bear a profound responsibility to ensure their preservation and protection for the benefit of current and future generations. 

‘The responsibility extends beyond mere compliance with regulatory requirements; it is a moral imperative that lies at the heart of our commitment to sustainable development and responsible mining practices.’

Mr Pobee said the Mine had developed management standards and procedure to guide its operations, including reclamation of disturbed lands, proper waste disposal and tailings management to prevent runoffs to streams and water bodies. 

In addition, they have a management standard on cultural heritage and sacred sites
, which provide key requirements to ensure that best practice was employed in the protection of cultural heritage and sacred sites in the course of their business. 

‘As a Mine, we affirm our unwavering commitment to working hand in hand with stakeholders to ensure that our activities contribute to the preservation and promotion of our cultural and natural heritage, leaving a legacy of sustainability and prosperity for generations unborn. 

‘By empowering our youth to become advocates and ambassadors for conservation and sustainability, we can ensure that our heritage remains vibrant, resilient and cherished for future generations,’ he added.

Professor Cecilia Addei, Dean, Faculty of Integrated Management Science from the University of Mines and Technology (UMaT), Tarkwa, noted that protecting and preserving cultural and natural heritage assets was crucial for maintaining a community’s history, identity, and traditions. 

She said Environmental Impact Assessment, compliance with regulations and standards, he
ritage surveys and inventories, adaptive management plans, collaboration with conservation organizations, community development and benefit sharing, legacy planning and rehabilitation among others were some of the measures mining companies could adopt to protect and preserve cultural and natural heritage assets of the people. 

According to Prof Addei, if mining companies adhered to all the points raised above and more, they would be able to mine responsibly and still maintain the cultural heritage. 

Mr Samuel Kwasi Asare, the Tarkwa Nsuaem Municipal Director for CNC, on his part, explained that the programme was held to educate the youth on the importance of their cultural heritage. 

‘If you come to Wassa Fiase Traditional Area, we have a site where Sir Charles MacCarthy was killed, at Aboso Housing we have the first mining pit and also we have the Neung forest reserve, which have peculiar things associated with it, but we have not made good use of them. This is why CNC is calling on individuals, mining co
mpanies and other institutions that we all have a collective responsibility to ensure our cultural heritage is protected,’ Mr Asare said.

A panel discussion was held where representatives from AngloGold Ashanti Iduapriem Mine, Gold Fields Ghana Limited, Tarkwa Mine and Ghana Manganese Company Limited, gave details on how they have actualized commitments in the mining industry to their operations. 

Source: Ghana News Agency

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