College of Medicine Interface with the Leadership of the Civil Service*

Freetown, 30th May 2024*: The Symposium for higher institutions in Sierra Leone continues today Thursday 30th May at the College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences (COMAHS) Lightfoot Boston Street Campus in Freetown.

The Deputy Vice Chancellor, Professor Samai in his welcome address expressed honored to collaborate with the leadership of the Civil Service to enable students have an understanding about the dichotomy between Civil and Public Service and the Governance Architecture in the country.

Professor Samai spoke about the high attrition rate in the medical profession and called for the intervention of government to address it for the good of the nation.

The Minister of Public Administration and Political Affairs, Mr. Amara Kallon explained the Government’s plans and policies to revamp the public sector architecture noting that, the public sector has plummeted over the years due to policies that were not beneficial to the nation.

He said that, the Big 5 Game Changers, the manifesto promises of the
president is geared towards attracting the best brains to ensure a turn around in the civil and public service.

The Director of Public Sector Reform Unit, Mr Sulaiman Phoray-Musa, who was the host and moderator of the Programme, explained that, the symposium was organized to provide a platform for students to understand the workings of the Civil and Public Services and how they should contribute in nation building.

The Chairman of the Public Service Commission, Mr Kalilu O. Bah,dilated on the governance architecture from independence to date, stating that the governance landscape has gone through phases from colonial and traditional rule to one party and multi party democracy.

The Secretary to Cabinet and Head of the Civil Service, Mr. John Sumailah, digressed on the various reforms that have taken place in the Civil Service since 1991 and succinctly deliberated on the dichotomy between the Civil and Public Sectors.

Mr Cyrus Sheriff, the Director of Service Delivery in the Office of the President, spoke
on the commitment of the Government in ensuring effective and efficient service delivery in a timely manner.

The Ombudsman, Mr Tejan Ahmed Israel Jah, said the role of his establishment is to enhance good governance, equal right and justice so that citizens would not be disadvantaged.

The symposium was climaxed with questions and answers.

Source: Sierra Leone News Agency

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