Couple donates mechanised borehole to Agona Nyakrom Health Centre

Mr Josiah Kweku Asiamah, a businessman and his wife, Mrs Mary Nyame Asiamah have donated a mechanised borehole to the Agona Nyakrom Health Centre to facilitate the smooth running of the health facility.

According to the couple, the donation was to help channel the money used to pay water bills into the procurement of drugs and other consumables to cater for patients.

Mr. Asiamah, at a short ceremony to hand over the facility to the school’s authorities, appealed well-to-do citizens of Nyakrom both home and abroad to try as much as possible to contribute their quota to make health care easily accessible.

He said the centre lacked many things, including male and female wards and a fence wall to protect large tracts of land donated by the chiefs to the centre for future development projects.

‘My wife and I as natives of Nyakrom, supported the health centre to enable nurses, the physician assistant and other medical staff to put up their best for the people to get quality health care,” he stated.

He said th
at the central government alone could not provide all the infrastructure and other relevant equipment to the facility hence the support.

Natives of the town, who are capable should assist in the provision of certain necessities for effective administration of the centre.

Mr. Asiamah further mentioned other projects being carried out by his wife to include the construction of walls around the Nyakrom Roman Catholic Basic School and a modern toilet facility for the school.

Mrs. Bertha Atta, the Agona West Municipal Health Director, said lack of water made it difficult for the staff and patients to properly wash their hands to prevent infections and the outbreak of other diseases.

The Health Director praised the couple for the facility and pledged to maintain it to serve its purpose.

She said the health centre would soon be upgraded to a polyclinic and needed improved facilities to meet the standards.

Mrs Mavis Odoom, Physician Assistant in charge of Nyakrom Health Centre, assured the donors, the Omanhene
(Paramount Chief), Divisional Chiefs and other stakeholders in health management that the staff would continue to deliver its best to ensure better health for all.

The physician assistant commended the chiefs and residents of Nyakrom for their continued support to the health centre to promote efficient delivery of services.

Okofo Katakyi Nyakoh Eku X, Omanhene of Agona Nyakrom Traditional Area, praised Mr. and Mrs. Asiamah for their commitment, selflessness, dedication and patriotism, and called on others to also assist the town.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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