Easter: ‘Forgive! You don’t lose anything…’-Reverend Minister

The Very Reverend Samuel Kwebu Dadzie, Superintendent Minister of Emmaus Methodist Church, Awoshie, has urged Christians to emulate Christ’s principle and nature of forgiveness.

Rev. Dadzie, in an interview with the Ghana News Agency, said Christ whom Christians celebrated every Easter, willingly forgave his torturers, mockers, and the rest of humanity without any charges and conditions attached, hence Christians must follow the same, saying they would not lose anything if they did so.

‘What do you lose when you forgive? You don’t lose anything, but glory is given to God through your forgiveness. We have always lived in peace and enjoyed God’s mercies because of his love for us. And we can count ourselves among his children because he has forgiven us so, we should always ensure we forgive others,’ he said.

‘We are human, yes! But let us not forget the fact that if we forgive, Christ also forgives us. For He says when we forgive our brothers their sins, he will also forgive us,’ he stressed.

When asked if
the State needed to punish criminality he stressed the need for Christians not to take advantage of forgiveness and be lawless.

‘If you do what is wrong against the State, you must face the consequences. But you can be forgiven if you show remorse. You cannot say that because we are all one people so if you do anything against the law, we just say we forgive you. No! The right thing must be done by following the law of the land. As Christians, we should be law-abiding. This does not erase the fact that we must forgive each other,’ he said.

Christians worldwide observe Good Friday to commemorate the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ.

First-century accounts from non-Christian scholars such as Josephus and Tacitus suggest the crucifixion date to be between AD 30 and AD 36.

Other analysis done by some contemporary historians who have studied the Jewish and Greco-Roman documents, accounts and astronomical calendars, pitched Jesus’ death to have occurred on Friday, April 3, AD 33.

Source: Ghana News Agenc

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