Good governance: Seychelles takes part in APRM with African counterparts

Seychelles has joined 14 other members of the African continent to share experiences and look for ways to better implement the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) reviewing process in their respective countries.

The APRM was set up in 2003 when African heads of state and government took an unprecedented decision to subject themselves, on a voluntary basis, to a self-assessment process to review progress.

“The essence of APRM is to ensure that our countries are well governed, respecting the principles of accountability, transparency, human rights protection so that we can have a peaceful and secure developed continent,” said Dr Rachel Mukamunana, director of country review at APRM headquarters following a meeting in Seychelles.

She added that since there are certain countries that are not yet there and that is the context for organising the workshop “to encourage those that have not embarked on the self-assessment to do so in particular of the context of the challenging times.”

In his address to officially launch the event, the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Tourism, Sylvestre Radegonde, said that Seychelles became the 40th member of the APRM upon its accession to it in February 2020.

“However, owing to different circumstances, including the COVID-19 pandemic, we have not yet been able to set up our national structures. We hope that through this workshop – through exchanges and knowledge-sharing with other participants – we will be able to address this matter very soon.”

There are 43 member states of which 26 have gone through the self-assessment and have been peeraged by the heads of state and government.

Recent news on the African continent has shown an increase in certain unrest to which Dr Mukamunana said,” We are seeing something that we can describe as a setback in terms of democratic gains, but we need to understand why we are experiencing those setbacks.”

She added that there have been improvements over the last 20 years as a result of the APRM.

“You know that the matter of governance is not something you do and you are done – it’s a continuous improvement, and that’s why we need to continue to forge on and to come together as member states,” said Dr Mukamunana.

“As you know we have the African Union vision, what we call the Agenda 2063, where we think the continent will be prosperous and peaceful,” she added.

The APRM is a mutually agreed instrument voluntarily acceded to by AU member states as an African self-monitoring mechanism. The APRM is often described as “Africa’s unique and innovative approach to governance” with the objective of improving governance dynamics at the local, national and continental levels.

Source: Seychelles News Agency

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