IMF provides training on public finance statistics

International Monetary Fund (IMF) experts are in Angola to train the staff from the Ministry of Finance, the National Bank of Angola (BNA) and the National Institute of Statistics (INE), as part of migration of public finance statistics for the“Governance Finance Statistics-Manual GFSM 2014” standard.

The training on “Public Finance Statistics and Public Debt Statistics” began Monday (17) and will run until April 28, to enable the country to align its statistical practices with international standards.

The Secretary of State for Budget and Public Investment, Juciene de Sousa, explained that the implementation of the IMF Manual “GFSM 2014” is related to the release of the data in the platform of dissemination of macroeconomic data.

The move will intensify the provision of information macroeconomic policy of the Angolan authorities to different interests.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the event, Juciene de Sousa said that the migration of public finance statistics for GFSM2014 standard will only be possible through a strong, transparent and dynamic statistical production system, which allows the treatment and publication of the numbers.

Juciene de Sousa said that training it is intended to improve the technical capacity in terms of production and dissemination of finance and public debt statistics.

The initiative is part of the Ministry of Finance’s commitment to improving public finance management, the quality of macroeconomic data and fiscal transparency.

Source: Angola Press News Agency (APNA)

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