Industrial production increases 3.4% in 2022

The Industrial Production Index (IPI) for 2022 registered a variation of 3.4%, compared to 2021, influenced by the increase in “Extractive Industries”, with 1.7%, and “Manufacturing Industry”, with 1. 2%.

According to the 2022 Yearbook, with the IPI results, Personnel at Service Index and Hours Worked Index for the Year of 2022, from the National Institute of Statistics (INE), the increase was also influenced by Production and Electricity´s Distribution, Gas and Steam, with 0.5% points.

The document, which was official on the INE website, says that the Personnel at Service Index, during the year 2022, registered a 3.6% growth compared to 2021, while the Hours Worked Index registered, in the same period, a variation of 5.6% compared to the previous year.

Analysing the Industrial Production Index by Type of Goods, INE says that there was a higher year-on-year change in Intermediate Goods in 2022, with 18.0%.

The Industrial Production Index (IPI) for the Year 2022 aims, among others, to make known the structure, growth and productivity of the industrial sector in Angola, in the reference period, producing basic statistical information for the National Accounts, Government, International Organizations, Academics, Entrepreneurs and other users.

Source: Angola Press News Agency (APNA)

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