Let us safeguard food security through tree planting

Mr Felix Owusu Gyimah, the Municipal Chief Executive of Nkwanta South, has encouraged the residents of the Municipality to safeguard food security through tree planting.

He made the call during the commemoration of the 2024 Green Ghana Day in the Municipality at the Kyabobo Girls School, which coincides with the 10th anniversary of the school.

Mr Gyimah said the initiative was to help preserve the forest reserve, which came with a lot of benefits, including potable water system, good climate condition, medicine and beautification.

The MCE also emphasised food security through the planting of trees, urging individuals to get involved for preserving the vegetation for future benefits.

He commended efforts by the Forestry Commission in seeing that the project was successful and also encouraged them to continue with the good works towards the survival of the planted trees.

Mr Isaac Boamah, the Nkwanta South Municipal Manager, Forestry Commission, noted that in order to bring forest degradation and deforestat
ion under control, the Commission had been embarking on tree growing activities over the years.

‘Therefore, it is heartwarming that the current government through Lands and Natural Resources Ministry instituted the Green Ghana Project and enjoined every individual and organisation to take part.’

He said four years of the project had been successful even though the Commission had faced a lot of challenges from nurturing to maturity, planting and survival of the plants .

Mr Boamah said the Commission was expected to plant about 50,000 tree seedlings this year and urged all to plant trees.

‘The Forestry Commission is tasked to account for seedlings distributed and is to continue educating and providing technical advice to all’.

The event was on the theme: ‘Growing for greener future.’

In attendance are the Oti Regional Manager of Forestry Commission, Mr Bernard Tarbil, Assistant Manager, Forestry Commission, Mr Henry Kudiabor, Municipal Director of Education, Mr Jonathan Korsinah, security services and oth
er heads of departments.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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