Mama Hodzige donates sanitary pads to 150 adolescent girls

Mama Hodzige II, Queenmother of Klikor-Agblorgame, has donated sanitary pads to 150 adolescent girls at Klikor Unity Basic School in the Ketu South Municipality of the Volta Region.

She said the donation, which formed part of her ‘Menstrual Hygiene Project’ campaign, was to put smiles on the faces of the girls and advised them to be respectful, humble and take their studies seriously to realise their dreams.

Mama Hodzige asked them to be content with what they had and desist from joining bad company, which would result in bad influence and refrain from early sex in order not ruin their future.

She said engaging in early sex would expose them to sexually transmitted diseases and teenage pregnancy, which could have dire consequences on achieving their dreams.

Madam Cecilia Dokli, the Ketu South Municipal Girl-child Co-ordinator, sensitised the girls on menstrual hygiene management and how to use the sanitary pads properly.

Miss Yvonne Alorvor, a class six pupil, on behalf of her colleagues, expressed grati
tude to the queenmother for the gesture.

Torgbui Atsu Adraka Gawu Gabienu II, Domefiaga of Klikor Traditional Area; Torgbui Akpabli Nemi III, Wornumega of Klikor; Mama Nunenyo Dzatugbui V, Avoeme-Aflao, and Mama Amewoshina II of Klikor were among the dignatories present.

The donation formed part of Mama Hodzige’s ‘Menstrual Hygiene Project’ campaign.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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