President João Lourenço deplores participation of politicians in fuel smuggling

President João Lourenço said Tuesday in Luanda that some of the perpetrators of the crimes of fuel smuggling, illegal exploitation of strategic minerals and timber are politicians and parliamentarians.

According to the Head of State, in his Message on the State of the Nation Addressed, these perpetrators and the buyers of the stolen goods, above all the instigators and promoters, must be punished exemplarily.

For João Lourenço, the behavior of these politicians and parliamentarians, who have an obligation to defend the law and the public good, must be condemned by society and related authorities.

The president underscored that in view of current trends, special attention will continue to be paid to fuel smuggling, illegal exploitation of mineral resources and the vandalizing of public property.

In his speech, which lasted more than two hours, he explained that these types of crime are causing huge damage to the national economy and harming all citizens.

João Lourenço recalled that public reinvestment in
the fields of energy, water, transport and telecommunications, among others, following vandalized public property, prompts the authorities to join forces and to crack down on these crimes.

Public safety

President João Lourenço assured that the public security situation is stable and that crime levels, including violent crime, have been contained.

Compared to the same period last year, Lourenço said, there has been a significant decrease in crime, although this situation does not hide the weaknesses that still exist and the work needed to make the country increasingly safe.

The president announced the reinforcement of the staff, their improvement and training, so that the National Police and the different services of the Ministry of the Interior are up to the challenges of today.

‘We must continue to focus on the construction and reconstruction of infrastructure and the technological modernization of operational support services,’ Lourenço said.

Source: Angola Press News Agency

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