World Food Day and First Anniversary of Feed Salone Commemorated

Sierra Leone has join other countries the world over commemorate World Food Day on the theme: “Right to Foods for a Better Life and a Better Future” Leave No One Behind on Wednesday 16th October 2024 at the Kailahun Town Field, Kailahun district.

The event also marks the First Anniversary Celebration of the Feed Salone which was launch by H.E. the President, Rtd. Brig. Dr. Julius Maada Bio on the 16th October 2023 in Pujehun district.

In his keynote address, President Julius Maada Bio stated that one year ago, he launch the Feed Salone programme and today the first year report has been produce to see the achievement made, the challenges and to encourage more investment for Sierra Leonean to feed themselves.

He disclosed that in his first term, his flagship programme was education and his second term priority flagship programme is Feed Salone.

President Bio spoke about the importance of agriculture and food security in any country and encouraged the private sector to come deep into agriculture.

“If you i
nvest in agriculture, you will always get the reward. It is the only way you will get enough food, get more resources and women and youth will get jobs”, the President said.

President Bio further stated that for any country to get into any level, that country must go through a successful agricultural revolution which is food security to feed it’s people.

“We should be able to produce our own food and not others to determine what we should eat. We should be able to get it at all times and at a prize we can afford and it should be good enough to support the growth and development of all”, he stated.

FAO Representative for Sierra Leone, Saeed Abubakar Bancie said as they celebrate World Food Day, they are reminded by the Director General of FAO that it is high time to change the right to food for a healthy nutritious and affordable diet into reality.

He disclosed that as part of FAO commitment to alleviating hunger and enhancing food and nutritious security, the FAO has significantly contribute to the govern
ment flagship Feed Salone programme since the launch in 2023.

Mr. Saeed Abubakar Bancie stated that in 2024 alone, they partnered with MAFS and other line Ministries to successfully support farmers to rehabilitating and cultivating 909 hacters of In-land Value Swamp (IVS) directly benefiting 5,172 participants primarily women farmers and youth groups across the country.

He added that FAO is currently distributing livestock including small ruminant and paultry to 3,310 beneficiaries.

The Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Dr. Henry Musa Kpaka said as the world is celebrating the World Food Day, Sierra Leone too is celebrating the first anniversary of the Feed Salone to translate their resources to better the people in the country.

He disclosed that they are celebrating because over the first year they have work and achieve a lot but more needs to be done. He commended all included partners for their support and called for more investment in agriculture for food self-sufficiency in the country.

Chairman, Presidential Initiative in Climate Change, Renewable Energy and Food Security, Dr. Kandeh Yumkella admonished all that Feed Salone is not only to grow rice but to do diversification into economic and cash crops.

He encouraged all to embark on large scale agriculture to grow crops that they will be able to export so that the country and region will move forward.

Dr. Yumkella stated that in this first anniversary, much has been done, mistakes has been done and lessons learnt, and called on the people of exercise patience as it will happen.

The President of the National Farmers Federation, Madam Yatta Samai, commended the government through the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security for the support and be part of the Feed Salone Initiative.

She assured that the farmers have ready achieved the feed Salone Initiative and will ensure that the dream of the President for Sierra Leone to achieve food sufficiency will became a reality.

Cultural performances, Farmers parade, Cutting of the one year ann
iversary Feed Salone cake, inspection of Exhibits and Booths formed part of the celebration.

Source: Sierra Leone News Agency

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